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Scott McKendry

DevOps Engineer


Custom Prompt Status Icons Using Starship
·10 mins
Dotfiles Bash Powershell
My attempt at minimal, cross-platform status icons for my terminal prompt 🔔
How to "Actually" Audit SharePoint Permissions
·2 mins
Powershell Sharepoint
A PowerShell script to audit SharePoint permissions and export the results to a CSV file 🔍
The 5 Stages of Vim: A Humbling Experience
·4 mins
My journey with vim and a lesson on why it’s good to suck at something 💩
Moving My Blog From Ghost to Hugo
·5 mins
Blog Hugo
I moved my blog… again. Here’s my experience moving from Ghost to Hugo ✈️
How I Sync My Dotfiles Between Windows and Linux Using GitHub Actions
·3 mins
Windows Linux Github Dotfiles
Dotfile Harmony: GitHub Actions in ‘Action’ 🚀
The Ultimate PowerShell Profile
·5 mins
Powershell Windows Dotfiles
Putting the “Power” back into PowerShell with custom functions and aliases 💪